A debt consolidation can help you lower your monthly payment and help improve your credit, but only if you stick to a plan to pay down your debt.If you have high-interest credit card balances on multiple accounts, just making those monthly payments can be so tough that you can’t afford the things you really need or want — much less save any money. It may also stress you out. In this situation, debt consolidation might be a smart decision. But before you get started, let’s dig in to understand how debt consolidation can affect your credit scores.
Ways to consolidate your debtThe basic idea of debt consolidation is to merge multiple credit or loan balances into one new loan. But not all debt consolidations make sense. Here are four ways you can consolidate debt depending on your credit and savings:
It may also simplify your payments. When you have many accounts to manage, you are more likely to make a mistake and miss a payment. Missed and late payments can hurt your credit scores, so consolidating everything into one monthly payment might help protect your credit from a payment mishap. How debt consolidation affects credit scoresWhen you consolidate debt, you pull several levers at once that help or harm your credit. Here are some short-term causes of a credit score drop when consolidating debt:
Bottom lineConsolidating your debt into a new, lower-interest loan — a balance transfer credit card, personal loan or home equity loan — may hurt your credit scores in the short- or medium term. But if you make regular, on-time payments on that consolidation loan and pay it off in a reasonable amount of time, your credit scores should recover and may even improve over the long run as you get rid of debt faster and establish a sound payment history. Article Written By: Eric Rosenberg is a finance, travel and technology writer in Ventura, California. He has an MBA in finance from the University of Denver. When he’s away from the keyboard, Eric enjoys exploring the world, flying small airplanes, discovering new craft beers, and spending time with his wife and daughters. You can connect with him at PersonalProfitability.com or EricRosenberg.com.
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